Quote Generator

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Quote Generator project built in vanilla JS making use of Sergey Sokurenko's quote API

This project was originally built to practice DOM manipulation, Twitter's Web Intent, and rendering content from an API. The first version of this app used the Forismatic API by using Rob Wu's CORS Anywhere. As of February 1st 2021, CORS Anywhere was restricted by Heroku as a result of traffic abuse which necessitated refactoring this project

Quote Generator live site

This was the first time I had experienced a service going down and having to locate a new service to replace it. The new API serves a JSON Array with 1000+ entries as opposed to the original API which only served 1 quote per fetch request.

This allows the app to function with a single asynchronus request and then select a quote making use of Math.random() improving load times while preserving functionality.

github repo