Hi, I am Jacob McCracken

Web Developer

a picture of Jacob McCracken

What I do

Front End Development

I get messy, make mistakes, and have fun! I've built such exciting apps as Rock Paper Scissors and Infinity Scroll Pets Edition.

Customer Focused

I bring over a decade of customer service experience in both retail and technical settings and provide a collaborative experience regardless of technical background.

Always Learning

I regularly learn new skills and technologies, most recently Typescript, Next.js, and the JAM stack. Working to improve my skills and add my own unique perspective.

My Work

Who I am

Web Developer based out of Seattle

I started learning Web Development after nearly a decade in customer service. Writing code and watching a design come to life simply spark joy for me. As someone who has never stopped learning, this field constantly provides new challenges and opportunities.

I've been in Seattle since 2014 after graduating from Western Washington Univeristy with BS in Human Biology. In my free time I lift heavy stuff, enjoy my aquarium, and bake artisan bread. Currently working my way through Zero to Mastery's Complete Next.js Developer in 2022 taught by Ankita Kulkarni.

Jacob McCracken deadlifting at a powerlifting meet in 2020

My work

A selection of my range of work